Chaos in my hands. Fury in my eyes.

I’ve started a new process of doing three paintings at once.  I’m trying to push my output just a little more.
It helps when I become frustrated with one piece I can move on to the next, or if I am waiting for a piece to dry then I can work on something else.
Here’s a few process pieces.

The first piece is something that I have been working on for months.  I’ve touched it at different times.  It’s is not quite done yet.  There are factors that need to be fixed and corrected.

The second picture is the current state of the studio.  The piece on the far left is knowledge.  It’s in the works.  I’ll explain the visuals on another post when it is finished.  The second piece is a piece about longing.  The arms are those of Ego…  There’s a picture of Ego from other  piece I was working on. This is still in an infant stage.

The last is a watercolor piece of Sex.  This is a part of a three piece portrait s. It’s kind of weird getting back into watercolors.  I’m slowly reteaching myself little techniques.  I plan to update tonight’s labor.  Stay tuned.

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